"Created with thunkable" screen issue

Just released my Crossfix app to Google Play Store and i did run into a problem.
One of my friends, running a Samsung s23, can download the app and open it - But when starting up it does never leave the “Made with Thunkable” starting screen.
Can you confirm it is know problem now or do you have other ideas?
Can you recreate the problem?
Thansk in Advance,

Hi @stefansladdeneng1, thanks for reaching out about this. The option to modify the splash screen is available to Business or Team Level Users. With one of these subscriptions, if you change your app icon, your new icon will appear on the splash screen.

Hi Matt - i am not after changing the splash screen. There is a problem thet when the screen starts it never LEAVE the Splash screen to open the first screen… It is looping in the Thunkable splash only…Clearer now?

Do you have ads in your app? my screen was looping on the interstitial ad

Yes but in a separate screen and not the ”arrival” screen after splash screen

I actually had the same issue where after publishing my app it would get stuck on the splash screen, I am still unsure on what caused this.

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This has happened to me too. In my case it related to variables not being set correctly. Are you connecting to any external databases, or setting any variables on your splash screen?

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Maybee @matt_conroy can inform you how this was solved for me…
If there was a fix made in the system or…
Thanks in advance Matt

Here is some guidance on how to resolve a screen issue with an app made with Thunkable:

Check the layout and design:
Make sure that you used Thunkable to properly build the screen layout. Ensure that each element—buttons, labels, photos, etc.—is situated exactly where you want it to be. Pay attention to the sizing and alignment.

Review Block Logic: Thunkable employs a system of block-based coding. Check the logic blocks connected to the problematic screen a second time. Check the code for any mistakes or settings issues that might be affecting how the screen behaves.

Test on Several Devices: Screen problems may occasionally be device-specific. To determine if the issue occurs on all devices and screen sizes, test your app on a variety of them. This will enable you to assess whether a compatibility problem exists.

Check for Error Messages: Check the Thunkable interface and the app’s debugging logs for any error or warning messages. These signals can offer insightful information about what might be the problem’s root.

Make sure you are using the most recent version of Thunkable by updating it. In some cases, platform updates might fix bugs and compatibility problems.

Support from the community: Thunkable has a vibrant online developer and user community. Think about asking for advice from seasoned Thunkable users or posting your problem on the community forum. They may have experienced similar issues and can provide advice.

Review the documentation: Thunkable offers in-depth guides and documentation. Examine the documentation associated with the particular problem you’re having. There are frequently answers or workarounds there.

Seek Professional Help: If you’ve tried a variety of debugging techniques and are still unable to fix the screen issue, think about contacting Thunkable professionals or a team of experienced app developers who can offer you specialized guidance.

Back up your project: Make sure you have a backup copy of your project before making any big modifications. In the event that something goes wrong while troubleshooting, this protects unintentional data loss.

Patience and Persistence: The process of debugging and fixing problems in the creation of apps might occasionally take a while. Be systematic, persistent, and patient as you try to find and fix the issue.

Keep in mind that troubleshooting and fixing problems with apps, particularly those with visual interfaces, frequently necessitate paying close attention to details. You ought to be able to successfully resolve the “Created with Thunkable” screen problem by adhering to these instructions and asking for help when necessary.

Same Problem

Could it also be the build process itself?
I have been experiencing issues with random freezing within my app.
Moving blocks out of a control block and moving them back again on every screen seems to work…most of the time