Create simple and stunning logos for free, no watermarks!

Hello everyone, hope you are all well today.

I came across a fantastic website a while back and have used it to create lovely logos for my apps ever since.

The website is called Hatchful.

It is completely free to use and I recommend it to anybody who wants to make that perfect logo for their app. They email you a package with templates for social websites such as Facebook and Twitter in banner format, with the logo you designed. And plenty other cool templates, including the high quality logo.png file.

And what I really like about this service, is that there are no visible watermarks. You can choose from many styles and they are all highly customisation. And it is super easy to use!

I definitely consider checking this out!


ok cool! it’s from shopify


Thank you! This is sweet.

I turned to I paid 7$ total and got a splash screen logo and banner! I think next time, I’ll try this site!

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Just to keep this thread going - I saw today that Wix have a similar service that also seems to be free?

Anyone else know of some easy-to-use logo builders like this that Thunkers can use for their apps?


Wix! I saw that last night when working through my nocode stack!! Nice add :+1:t6:


@domhnallohanlon this looks really fresh. The colour palettes are awesome. I’ll be using this myself!