Content upload set up

Content Upload:

Media Picker: This will allow users to select photos and videos from their device library.
Camera Component: integrate the device’s camera functionality using the “Camera” component. This allows users to capture photos and videos directly within the app.
Text Input: A “Text Input” component for captions where users can describe their memories about the photos and videos
Horizontal List Viewer: This component will create a carousel-like experience where users can upload multiple photos or videos for a single memory or story.
Organization: collections to store and manage user data. separate collections for photos, videos, and stories, allowing for better organization within the app.

If you are describing an app you want to make, I would encourage you to get started! Those are each things that take many steps to complete. So if you start on one and post detailed information about what works and what doesn’t, someone here may be able to help you out with a specific step.

See this: How to ask Great Questions v2.0

estoy haciendo la misma app te puedo ayudar o almenos intentarlo, pero lo que yo necesito es una app de mensajeria atravez de la creacion de perfil con fire box

I started the app a month ago but cand find any info for these steps

Sorry,didn’t understand what. Is messaging app through creating a profile with fire box

You weren’t able to add a text input component to a screen? Have you searched the documentation? Watched tutorial videos?

Start by Googling camera Thunkable and files Thunkable. The first result for each should be the documentation page.


Do you want a Freelancer to make an app that has all of these features?
If yes, you can DM me on Thunkable!


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Yes,plz speak with me to better explain myself

I have sent a Message to you

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