Connecting data sources error

One student keeps getting “Unable to add data source. Please, contact support for help”. We’ve tried renaming, starting a new Google Sheet, refreshing/rebooting and a few other things. Unfortunately, no success thus far

Hi @bschwartzsxc2, thanks for reaching out about this. Are the students attempting to access the Google Sheets via their G Suite for Education school account?

Yes. We haven’t had this problem thus far

These errors are almost always because of a security setting for your G Suite for Education account and allowing third party access to content in the workspace. You will need contact your school’s IT department about updating the security and ask them to approve Thunkable for iOS and Web in your Google Workspace.

Please feel free to reach out if there are any further questions!

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Yep, Google has recently changed their security requirements and we’re having to add many websites to our list of Trusted Websites (I’m a Google Workspace admin for my school) to allow access to things we previously could use without problems.

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@tatiang To confirm as well, there is nothing that the end user can do to see this information either? We had previously guided users to go into Chrome and check their organization management issues via chrome://policy but that does not show us much when we do it now.

I’m not as familiar with the user end of that process but I do know that in every case, an admin has had to add the site to a list of trusted sites.

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Thank you!

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