Complex google sheet reading

i dont know what DNF means - i don’t know what your’re trying to do. i’m guessing you want to filter the sortedRes tat. you can create a new sheet and use a =FILTER command against the sortedRes tab like you used the =SORT on the RES tab, then make your data view filter point to the new tab.

DNF means (did not finish) , for example people crash and become dnf . And at my sort column their recults shown by 0’s .Those 0’s comes from the game.
For Example : driver called Efe Korkmazer normally he should be at down bottom but his value is 0 because of that he goes top of the list .

My object is to i want to sort from first place to , and i want to change those 0’s to DNF . if i change those to text when i use =SORT they automatically go bottom
For Example

so , thats what i am trying to do @manyone

If someone crashed, just assign to him as points the number of competitors (data will remain as number and you will be sure that he will get to bottom list).

didnt quite understand @mimostel .

If your sorting is about sorting data as numbers,
If you have 15 competitors, instead of assign someone who crashes 0, then try to covert that 0 to something that will go to bottom, why not to assign him 15 (number of total competitors) and this way will still be a number to sort, and that will go to bottom.

oh i got that now the thing is , i have index function and my data always changes . i have 20 races , 20 information and this 0’s comes from the game itself (F1 2021) , so i cant sort like that

So use an =IF function (around the index. Funcion) in the cell so that zzero always becomes DNFI. Will that work?

=IF(index func , 0=‘DNF’ , 0 ) should i make it like that @manyone

=if( index…=0, “dnf”,Index…)

this works but when there s not 0 it says FALSE

If it’s false, you repeat the whole index command.
It’s like… if( val=0, “dnf”, val).
Remove the “=0” part

so do i need ot write two if s or change my if
edit . or i drop the =0 and write this if( val=0, “dnf”, val).

didnt quite understand actually
can u show what ur point on that please

now i got that , and it works i can thank enough ( im finding new ways to thank you ) :smiley:

I’m glad I’m able to help.

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Hello @manyone ,
i hope you re doing fine .
Now i have a new project :smiley: .
Now i want my app to sent notifiers at regular basis in a day . First i want user to adjust the notification frequency. There 3 setting for frequency one of the setting is send notifications at every half a hour .
The other one is every 2 hour , and the last is every 3 hour.
How can i setup my notifier ? Thanks a lot

if you are expecting the app to do that kind of dynamic frequency notification, your app will have to be on continuously so it could do that - ie. it has to have been running 3 hours before it detects that it’s time to send an evey-3-hour notification. you might want to read up on this service called Zapier - can probably do this. i don’t have experience using it. try a search in thunkable forum - i vaguely recall someone having done it. it’s the one that stays up all the time to detect those pints you mentioned.


Thanks a l ot

@manyone Hi ,
Lets say i have 500 users at my app . As you know i have a selection tab at my google sheet , and when i press bahrain race at my app , it writes down bahrain at selection . Is this system going to work with 500 users ? Thanks

hey @manyone Lets say i have 500 users at my app . As you know i have a selection tab at my google sheet , and when i press bahrain race at my app , it writes down bahrain at selection . Is this system going to work with 500 users ? Thanks

EDIT : i tried it on 2 different accounts ,it only connected to main acc . how can we fix ?