[Company Update] Thunkable enables 3 million creators and closes $30M in Series B Funding!

Some things I’d like to see implemented in the future:

  1. Allow users to collaborate on a single project simultaneously. This would be a great feature for teachers to use with students and for small businesses to use when developing apps.
  2. Add versioning and back ups of projects. As it is, we have to keep copying projects each time we make edits and it’s hard to manage the list of projects. Single projects would have version history as in Google Docs.
  3. Add better support for Bluetooth devices. There seems to be a fair amount of interest in this and it’s difficult to connect them to Thunkable.
  4. Improve the documentation. It goes without saying that one of Thunkable’s strengths is the community of forum users who offer their knowledge and advice. And while the documentation is generally helpful, there are lots of missing pieces such as in some cases a lack of viable screenshots of blocks or links to sample proejcts to demonstrate each component.
  5. Improve the Drag & Drop interface so that it contains all of the features of the Snap to Place interface including cloning/all component blocks. Retire the Snap to Place interface. It’s confusing to new users to have two active interfaces with separate UI, features and documentation.
  6. Make it possible to set any property of a component using blocks. Right now, it seems like we can set about 25% of the properties of any given component dynamically using blocks. So that’s a limitation.
  7. Vastly improve the Canvas or remove it. It’s clunky and odd that it’s a separate world within a project. I’d love to see it integrated better and make the whole feature more intuitive and user-friendly.
  8. Make components more universal or add a universal component. A button should have all of the events (click, long click, etc.) that a label has and visa versa. Or else there should be a “catch all” component that has every possibility available and we can use that when needed. This could also be the case for sprites. Any component such as an image or switch could use movement blocks, etc.
  9. Fix Groups. They need help! It’s awkward to manipulate them in a screen and they are missing key features that rows and columns have. Half the time when I think I’ve added a component to a group, it’s merely on top of the group outline on the Design tab screen but in the component tree, it’s not part of it. And it’s not possible to re-organize the component tree to add components to groups. So I have to drag the component out of the group outline area and back in.
  10. Add more button styles, screen transition effects, etc. that have been long asked for in the community.
  11. Ease off on some of the restrictions that were implemented with the new pricing model. Some of the decisions around downloads and web apps seem overly restrictive when compared to long-standing availability of account features prior to the change.
  12. Add more forum support staff. It’s amazing as a user to get feedback from someone like @jared or @jane but they can’t completely handle the volume of user requests now and assuming (and hoping!) Thunkable grows by leaps and bounds, there will need to be dedicated staff to handle this.
  13. Hire teachers as consultants. The educational side of Thunkable feels a bit forgotten sometimes and there’s a huge market for a good product (which Thunkable is) that teachers can easily understand and use as a tool with their students.
  14. Improve Figma integration. I still struggle to find Fimga imports helpful. The documentation in Thunkable is limited and it doesn’t seem to be possible to convert imported shapes/objects into fully-functional/native Thunkable components.
  15. Templates allowing us to pre-set where components will be on all screens. Also the ability to copy one or more components at a time from one screen to another screen or to multiple/all screens at once.