Codecademy Pro Free for Students | COVID-19

There are 10,000 free Codecademy Pro scholarships available. Click here to find out more and sign up if you’re interested :slight_smile:


I’m starting tomorrow!

Airtable, also, is offering two free years of PRO to anybody with a student email address!!!

And Udemy has some sweet deals rn.

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In India, schools don’t give email addresses to students - they just give a small (plastic) ID Card.

So, what do I do now?

@jared do you have a student email? If yes, I would recommend you to look up on GitHub Student Developer pack - it has loads & loads of benefits. Do check out :+1:

Thanks! :blush:

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That’s a bummer! Sorry, mine is from my university. Many schools in my area also offer school email addresses to the school kids.

Hopefully that will reach your area too!

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Doesn’t differ (AFAIK) …

You can read some info here -


Thanks! :blush:

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this is when I wish I were a student once again. it’s awesome they do things like that