Chat app help Pls!

The chat I can see in my computer
But I can’t see in my mobile

This is of computer
and this of mobile I have android mobile

Can anyone help pls it’s a humble request

Without a link to your project or screenshots of your blocks, there’s little chance anyone can help you.


Sir The cloud variable is not working in this chat app as i can’t see the chat in 2nd user mobile , the 2nd user mobile is showing ‘null’
And in my mobile it is showing all the chats that i have sent to 2nd user but the 2nd user can’t see my chat so i am using realtime db . It is showing chat on 2nd user screen but when we click on send Button It shows all the chat and i want that when the screen 1 opens then show all the chats and this is my link Thunkable
Pls help sir @tatiang

These is my coding