Capture Device information


I have a very simple app that only takes 2 inputs and pushes them into a table. The app can be used by various people which I would like to track but I do not want to make users login to use the app.

Is there a way to capture device id like IMEI, MAC Address or something similar to identify the user?


Hello @steve_synopsis
You could use the “push notification user id” block which returns a unique ID on each mobile device:
More information here: Push Notification Blocks | Thunkable Docs

Ok, I will give that a try.

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Push Notification Blocks require an account on OneSignal. Note that once you have configured OneSignal, it automatically assigned a Player_id whenever the app is installed on a device.
It does return a unique id (Player_id) but if you want to track someone, it will only do this while the app is active. The phone will still receive notifications if even if you exit the app, but tracking cannot run as a background task when the app is not active.

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