I along with other users have asked about the possibility of being able to access device information with questions going back to 2019. The use case is usually wanting to get a unique number to identify the device especially if data is being stored in a table and not wanting the user to have to create an account.
I have asked about the IMEI, while other have asked about MAC address and serial numbers but there seems to have been no progress in this area. Other information that would be useful are Android version, RAM available and Storage Available.
A suggestion was made to me to use Push Notifications via OneSignal which also means incorporating FireBase (yet another piece to the puzzle) and something else that can fail or cause errors.
Is it really that complicated to access this data from the device natively from Thunkable? I really hope that this is a feature set gets some more attention as getting access to this device data will open up vast possibilities for app creation in Thunkable.
Not to compare, but Kodular offers a variety of device information blocks.