Cannot save on tag "1" after deleting this tag from list

Sorry for the basic question, but i instaled this extension and i didn’t find how to “save” the data to the list, i mean, a substitute to “appendToFile”.

May be the function: “copy, fromfilename, to filename”?

I correctly understand that you save the files in a directory and then want all the file names from this directory to show you the List Picker? If yes, then in this extension there must be a “call.FileList” block, by means of which it can be done.

But you can save file names in local storage (as a string with delimiters). In this case, you need to get this line from the repository, make a list from it and assign a List Picker.

Which option suits you best?

The first option seens to be more easy… and yes, you understand correctly, i want to show the file names in the listpicker

I didn’t find this “call.FileList block”, the more closest is the block: “call taifunFile1.DirectoryList.directoryName” i try to use, but didn’t work , but maybe i didn’t use correctly.

I’ll now look at this extension.

I have such a block.


I have this block too…

But how i complete the block?

On the directoryName i put “global data”?

On extension, i don’t now :frowning:

On include subdirectories, i supose that i have to put “false”, right?

I did some research…

On directory i put “/storage/emulated/0/AppInventor/data”

On extension i put “.txt”

On include i put “false”

But the listpicker doesn’t show nothing

I’m almost there lol!

I succeed to show the filenames using “*” on the extension, but they show all data, and show all the path, like “storage/emulated/0/AppInventor/data/filename”

What’s the extension of this files saved by “file component”?

Or how can i take away all the path and show only the “filename”?..Maybe using "replace all text, to “0” "?

To display the file name, find position the last character / and select the text after that character to the end of the path string.