I’m very new to Thunkable and I have been using it for my Congressional App challenge, and I need help. What I want to do is actually get multiple text inputs and then make it show up in another screen all together. Can somebody help? Also, I looked at many discussions about scrollable screens, but I just don’t seem to get it. Many of the discussions I looked at supported an older version and I wasn’t able to do what they had done.
Hi ebaik1309hh3wqt, welcome to Thunkable!
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Are you looking to take the text entered in the text input and display it on another screen?
Most simply, you’ll want to brush up on variables and use those to store the value entered in the text input and then, on the later screen, call the variable’s data as the text for a label component.
Yeah, I’m trying to get multiple text inputs and then display on another screen. Am I able to share my project so you can take a look?
@ebaik1309hh3wqt Sure, you can just copy and paste the link to your project. This way we could find the best solution for you.
okay! here it is
sorry for the late response
This is very close! You’ll need to capture the text inputs via a button click, however. Then, on a later screen, set the label’s text to the variable.
I think I sort of got the first part, but I’m kind of confused on the second. Do I do the initialize block to make it into a variable?
On a small scale, this is generally fine. If you are wanting to keep those values between sessions, the only small change would be to use a stored variable instead. App variables will initialize each time the app is closed and then again re-opened.
Ohhhhh okay.
I have another question though. How do I make the text input show up? I know you mentioned how I could do that but I don’t really get it. Could you explain more please?
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