Call log for Thunkable X

Dear thunkable X,
Is there any way I can access the call logs of the device?? Why is thunkable X is not supporting the extension !!:pensive::pensive::pensive:. Thunkable X has removed lot of good features from the old version and the flexibility has reduced a lot.

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Welcome to Thunkable

Thunkable X supports both Android and iOS. When working with number of platforms you have to comply with the rules and regulations of both of them.

For Example, iOS does not allow uncertified extensions and therefore this feature cannot be implemented. You will also notice there is NO exit app or close app block because this is not allowed under iOS and in the latest guidelines of Google.

What you name it as reduced features is compensated by a better feature of being able to publish to both App Store and Play Store.

Happy to see such a fast response :+1::+1:.
Thank you for the reply.

I really appreciate the new features. Enjoying Figma and all the better feature you guys have brought :v::grin:.
Recently I was trying to dynamically create a list viewer and miserably failed. I was used to the old create clone block from snap to grid.

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This is still available.

When using Thunkable X, you choose one of the Design UIs, Either the old StP (Snap to Place) or the new DnD (Drag and Drop).

You can use the StP to use the cloning blocks

When you start a new project, leave the box (try it out) unchecked to use the old UI.

Happy Thunking!

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