Bug:layout disappears from screen

I lost my layout once. Thought it was my fault so I decided to redo it.
I was working on a layout for 45 minutes and in the end the layout disappeared from the screen again.
See the layout below. Frustrating thing is that I have a copy of the project and I cannot copy the screen to another project. So I recreated it. On the last move of the dataviewer the layout just completely disappeared again
Almost a reason to stop using thunkable.

Hi @jeroen.mulder, thanks for reaching out about this. I know you’ve been working with Ioannis in our chat support about this issue.

We hear you and understand your frustration. Data and project loss is something we take very seriously–we’re looking into what may have happened for you. Our first step in these instances to see if we can find an error in our logs to see why this may have happened. We’ll also see what we can do, based on the information you’ve given us, to try and recreate the issue.

Always feel free to reach out to us here with more info and with Ioannis in your chat support. He’s the best and knows Thunkable inside and out.

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