Broken Words (Logic game)

Hi! I present to you my new logic game.
If the project seems interesting to you, I will be happy to receive your feedback in the Play Market. This will greatly help to promote the project.

Name: Broken Words
Description: A Puzzle Game where you have to collect words from scattered letters. Rotate the letters and guess which word is encrypted.
Platform: Android (iOS is planned)
Release Date: 06.03.2021

Link: Android version


Looks interesting! I noticed the game is called “Broken Words” on the Google Play Store. You might want to fix that in the topic title and the “Name:” in your post where it’s called “Broken Word.”

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Thank you!

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It’s kind of a fun new take on word games. At least I haven’t anything like this before. The rotating is quite slow on my Moto X4.

When I guess the wrong word, there’s no feedback to tell me that it’s wrong.


Tatiang, Thanks for your feedback!

Rotation slow because it is not a real 3d, but just slides with images.

When the user enters the wrong word phone vibrates. But I agree with your comment and try to make an feedback more noticeable.

Thanks. My phone doesn’t vibrate for incorrect words. But it’s a borrowed phone so maybe the previous user disabled that? Anyway, it might be good to have a red flash or the word “wrong” or something along those lines as well as the vibration.

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great app

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Thank you!

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