Before Apple review Add some privaty statement

Before a Apple review I want to add some privaty statement, I use for this the following Thunkable App not yet accepted for review. This App has been rejected in his review because of the privacy terms.
Before apple review01 2022-02-12
I add a bouton before the signUp called Privaty.(on the first screen)

  • I add a screen 17_Privaty to add all the informations about the privaty of this App.

This page 17_Privaty is not yet finisch.
I go back to my screen 1 to access the page 17 when the button is clicked

But in the drop down menu in the I don’t see my nieuw created screen 17_privaty !!! I see the last screen created before the submission .
Is it something normal ? must I add the modification before submitting to appel for revieuw ?

It works for me. Maybe hard-refresh your browser tab?

I will close my browser and reapen it , thx for this fast answer . I 'll keep you posted

yes it works now thank you very much

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