Background audio in webview on iOS?


My app is a simple webview pointing to a website with a web radio. It works flawlessly on Android, when I minimize the app the audio continues. But not on iOS.

Is there a way of enabling background audio when minimizing apps on iOS? Thanks!

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hello there, the Exactly same problem I am facing. It looks like some bug or configuration issue.
Even on iOS sound component is not working for the streaming link(web radio link).
Did you find the answer? if yes please share.

Really need a good background play radio app is most basic app should have that ability here

Check scrRadio. Will that do?

will test and see `
1 does not play when screen is off
will test some more

I have the same problem. It’s likely permission issues to play audio or video in webviewer. Will appropriate webviewer advanced settings do the magic?

On my Android 9 in Live, my example works both when activating other apps and when device going to sleep mode

try using the keep screen on block