Automatic sign in

So i tried different things found on the forum but couldn’t get it to work as of right now. I dont know if its because im using the thunkable app for previewing my app, should i download it ? but i cant make the auto sign-in work. If i login once and kill all the app on my phone, when i re-open thunkable previewer it doesnt auto-login. What im i doing wrong ?

This is a mistake:


You’re telling Thunkable you want the stored variable named [value of stored variable loginInfo]. Just use the variable block at the top of the Variables drawer that says set stored variable loginInfo.

could you be more explicit? i dont understand :S what should i do ?

@ocorbo This is the block Tatian is referring to.
Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 1.25.52 PM

More info about it here in our Docs:

just made the changes and it still doesnt work :S

If the sign-in doesn’t work, then you need to debug these blocks:


I have a method I use which I explain here.

I would, for example, start by assigning a label’s text to the “Email” and “Password” properties and see what is displayed when you re-open the app. Are they blank or do they have values? If they have values, are they the same values you typed in before?

If they are what you expect, then what error are you getting? You can assign the green error block to a label or text input (if you want to be able to copy it and paste it here).

thank you for the help. What i was missing is the ‘do’ part of the block. I added a ‘if’ condition where ‘if not error’ navigate to main. Now i have to figure out the logout part because when i click on the logOutButton i come back to the loginScreen and re-Sign in :stuck_out_tongue:

its a never ending login ahahah

If you’d like help, post screenshots of those blocks or a link to your project.