Audio query on my project

Hi Thunkers,
i was wondering after making my app that why doesn’t the music stop when the app is closed
and how do i make the currently playing one stop and a selected audio file to play at the push of a button.
here is the link to the project with this query:

the buttons for choosing music is in the “La secret musica screen”

please reply soon

Is this in the Thunkable Live app? If so, it may be this bug:

There is no need to write this. If someone has an answer, they will reply. If you need faster help, pay someone to help you.

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ok thanks for the info

yes thats the same problem i have in my app that you have given me a link to but i still havent found out how to fix the bug on my phone and the web preview.

is there any way to fix the bug or is it just the thunkable app that does this?
also iv’e thought about trying my app via APK download link but i havent got the time to do that so far.

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