We are told to use cloud variables as a replacement for Firebase RTDB but in many cases these just dont cut it. Sure if you want to save a single piece of information, cloud variables are fine. But suppose you have data in this format
At the top level you have a “Foldername” then a date folder then an ID then perhaps 20 different properties for that ID. It looks like this.
My data looks like this.
— March2
------ Job1
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job2
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job3
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job1
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job2
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job3
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
We are hoping to have more than 100 jobs per day entered and our system needs to be able to get all jobs for a particular day and loop through looking for certain properties. While a job is “live” we need quick access to all properties for information on the job or to update them. If I get the Jobs/Date info I have access to all jobs and if I get the Jobs/date/JobID I have access to all properties of that job. Can this really be achieved using cloud variables? @thunkable_staff I don’t believe I am the only developer with these concerns over the lack of support for complex data structures. As keen as I am to use the new UI, I have too much dev time and effort invested in existing and upcoming projects to abandon the RTDB for some fancy new clothes! I am sure this is not the case but not including the firebase RTDB looks a little lazy. Please reconsider support in the new UI for this vital component.
Give us the tools and let your customers choose which they use.