Are there plans to add proper support for Firebase RT database to the new UI?

We are told to use cloud variables as a replacement for Firebase RTDB but in many cases these just dont cut it. Sure if you want to save a single piece of information, cloud variables are fine. But suppose you have data in this format
At the top level you have a “Foldername” then a date folder then an ID then perhaps 20 different properties for that ID. It looks like this.
My data looks like this.
— March2
------ Job1
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job2
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job3
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job1
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job2
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
------ Job3
--------- Property 1
--------- Property 2
--------- Property 3 etc
We are hoping to have more than 100 jobs per day entered and our system needs to be able to get all jobs for a particular day and loop through looking for certain properties. While a job is “live” we need quick access to all properties for information on the job or to update them. If I get the Jobs/Date info I have access to all jobs and if I get the Jobs/date/JobID I have access to all properties of that job. Can this really be achieved using cloud variables? @thunkable_staff I don’t believe I am the only developer with these concerns over the lack of support for complex data structures. As keen as I am to use the new UI, I have too much dev time and effort invested in existing and upcoming projects to abandon the RTDB for some fancy new clothes! I am sure this is not the case but not including the firebase RTDB looks a little lazy. Please reconsider support in the new UI for this vital component.

Give us the tools and let your customers choose which they use.




Try this:

Note that you can make any of the join blocks variables just know that you must have a “/” when you want to change levels. Hope this helps!


Oops, the “set app variable” is supposed to be “set cloud variable” but you can change that in the drop down.

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Using the method above you can drill down to any key path. Even with security rules. I have private information stored this way for undress of users. They can only access their bucket and anything within. Nothing from the larger tree of information.


I noticed you have not commented on the post if your issue is solved so I designed this sample project to show a quick demonstration of what can be done with variables and Firebase.
I used this structure and data

You will need to supply your Database API Key and Database URL in the project properties page and just change the cloud variable name to match your top key. I designed the project to be similar to the structure you showed in your post.


Hi @muneer, I dont know what to say. Thank you for your efforts again. As ever with your advice its all very clear. I did see the response from the guys and I concede it is possible to do what I want with cloud variables. But I don’t like having my existing toys taken away :slight_smile:
To @cyberdriver can I say thank you for your time in coming up with and explaining your solution. I will be looking into it when I start me next new project. If I ever get to the end of this one!

Thanks to every one.