App Audio Player being Buggy on Tablet

Hi there,

I have made an app that plays lots of audio files, on the Thunkable preview it works really well, but on the tablet I have the APK on the files stop and play and sound awful

Does anyone know why?

This the same issue?: Sound bug: different buttons make the same sound

Nope, it’s really strange the files play all normal, but the pause button keeps like flickering play and pause

Could you please share the specific project URL with us so we can investigate it further?

You could copy it from the top of your browser.

This way we could find the best solution for you.

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Hey @matt_conroy, yeah sure here’s the link: Thunkable

Hey @matt_conroy, I don’t suppose you have a possible update?

There is no audio player component in Thunkable. This likely has something to do with playing audio files in the video player component. While playing just the audio works, it is causing the component itself to have some graphic anomalies.

Your best best for doing this is to use the sound blocks and create an “audio player” using the UI components.

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