Anyone can convert this api?

im trying arround but i got response null or " " or its blank

What have you tried? Show a screenshot of your blocks?

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I played around with this block and the greyed out blocks

normally you don’t need set web but I put it in, makes no different …

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This block is correct but you cannot refer to response green block directly.

You need to add a block in the objects drawer which get object from JSON and connect the response block to it.

This suggestion is based on this output

  "numberofnodes": 25433,
  "numberofnodes30dchange": 8.2071136827774041,
  "numberofnodeswithactivechannels": 14780,
  "numberofnodeswithactivechannels30dchange": 11.138688327316487,
  "numberofchannels": 67081,
  "numberofchannels30dchange": 12.936680303719044,
  "networkcapacity": 232982859147,
  "networkcapacity30dchange": 16.920694407888973,
  "networkcapacityusd": 114792238.9851691,
  "publicipnodes": 12276,
  "ipv6nodes": 114,
  "tornodes": 9227,
  "newnodes24h": 54,
  "newchannels24h": 508,
  "updatednodes24h": 8175,
  "updatedchannels24h": 59583,
  "layer1capacityratio": 0.00011094421864142857,
  "averagenodecapacity": 0.15763573014005414,
  "averagenodecapacityusd": 7766.8196162969625,
  "averagechannelcapacity": 0.03469589843419231,
  "averagechannelcapacityusd": 1709.4905090635905,
  "averagenodeagedays": 401.6403125,
  "averagechannelagedays": 275.18299768518517,
  "averagechannelpernode": 9.0775372124492559,
  "medianbasefee": 1.0,
  "medianbasefeeusd": 0.0004927068,
  "medianfeerate": 1.2286780894799874E-05,
  "medianfeerateusd": 6.0537804969779828E-09
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im lost… this ocurre an block error

this reponse null

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You’ve changed more than one thing in each screenshot. It’s important when programming to just change one thing at a time and see if that makes a difference. @muneer’s suggestion is correct and would work but… in the top screenshot, you replaced get property of object with set property of object to. In the bottom screenshot, you removed the set Web_API12's URL to block. If you fix those two things, it should work. Post a new screenshot and we can go from there.

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I made a quick app
This works fine on my phone.

The top label will show the content of “numberofnodes”

Also the List Viewer is filled with all the fields from the JSON. When you click on any of then you will see the content of the selected one in the label below the list viewer.