Ability to make sheet popup bigger

Can you let me make this popup bigger? Makes sheet editing frustrating. I’ve made mistakes by accident because my view is limited. Thanks.

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I’ve added this as a feature request.

You could get a chrome extension that allows you to play with and save CSS settings, as an intermediary solution. We wouldn’t provide support to set it up but i’ve seen others do the same and get some pretty cool results


if you’re just trying to load the table, open a spreadsheet (excel or google) with the same column sequence and populate with desired data. after you’re done copy the whole rectangular data into the very first cell in your local storage table.

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The built-in data management needs a major overhaul. It feels like a spreadsheet from 1999. Instead of users listing all the improvements we want, @jared, I’m wondering what Thunkable has in mind for updating this interface? Is there a roadmap that would have that info?


What sort of mistakes @exploriverse.com - was it adding/removing data in the wrong column or the wrong row?

Out of curiosity, does using the zoom function in your browser make your life any easier at all?


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