A brick wall that i've smacked into with hex codes

Right but you’re not getting 0x0FA0 from a physical device/sensor, are you? You’re getting a value like 41 0C 0F A0, right, according to the updated “Reading Real-Time Data” link you posted?

Just trying to understand the starting and ending points. Because if you have a device that gives you 0x0FA0, that’s going to be a different set of steps in Thunkable compared to the steps you’d need if you’re given 41 0C 0F A0. By the way, the 0x0FA0 is just the last four digits of 41 0C 0F A0. If you join them together and remove the space, you get 0FA0. And if you run 0FA0 through a hex to decimal converter online, you get 4000.

I think you’re going to want an API that will convert hex to decimal. It’s probably not that hard to convert hex to decimal manually in Thunkable but it would be extra work.