2 Data Sources to pull from

How can I use 2 different data sources? 1) for my outage report, and 2) for my company news? i only see the #1 in my data sources, but don’t see where I can add another one. Thanks!

How are you accessing the data source(s)? For example, using Get Value blocks or Data Viewer Lists, etc.?

Data Viewer List (using Google Sheets)

Each Data Viewer List has it’s own data source property and field mapping. You can see how to do that at the 1:06 mark here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ohIj0ZfMg&t=66s

When I create a new screen, and add the data, and select data source, I don’t see any option to add a new data source… am I missing something?

you rock!!!

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