Why Can’t I download app due to admob, I already took off the banners

Good morning everyone,
i tried to download the apk from thankable. Unfortunately I am presented with this error as shown in the image.
I’m not using AdMob for the app right now. What can I do to try the app? And if I like it, I can also make a subscription but I want to check first.
Thanks Marco
errore thunkable

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Did you at any point add AdMob to your app?

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Yes I tried it but I took it off immediately. How can I check if it has not yet been deleted?
Thanks Marco

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When you add AdMob to the project, certain configuration parameters are added to the project and are not automatically removed when you delete it.

You need to get in touch with @Thunkable_Staff to remove the entries.

This part shouldn’t need to happen at all. Maybe in the past but I’ve recently been testing with us and havent experienced that on my free account.

You should be able to look at your blocks on each screen and see if you’ve added any invisible admob components like a rewarded video or an interstitial ad. If you’re still not seeing any of those and you’re sure there’s also not a banner in your project feel free to share the URL with me via DM and I’ll take a closer look at things.

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OK thank you

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