I just started and so far everything is straight forward. But what I miss are basics like for example a text element.
I mean I can add a label but in this label I can’t control paragraphs or line breaks. Or how do I add a link?
Did I get something wrong?
These links might help. https://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#2flung https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_formatting.asp and if you want to go to a website, you’ll need to use the web viewer component. https://docs.thunkable.com/thunkable-classic-android/create/components/web-viewer
Happy thunking!
Thank you that means, adding more complex html formatting is added via locals files which are loaded via webview? sure why not and so we could add some parameters with this call to envoke certain scripts ok got the idea thank you