Webview/webbridge receive message event not firing

Hey everyone :wave:

So last week i published my battery info module and it was all working correctly until thunkable V488/489 was released.
Somehow after this update passed the WebBridge received message event has stopped working as stated here.
The weird thing is this is only for this specific module and after debugging all i could find out was that it’s related to thunkable because the code works correctly.
The “getBatteryLevel” correctly sends the message and the code logged the correct result 95% in the console/alert.
But thunkable is not able to receive the message, the event never fires.

I compared an apk after the V488/489 release with the one before the v488/489 release and the apk from v488/489 does not work

This only happens on android and nowhere else.

Has anyone got an idea on how i can fix this?

module: Thunkable
project: Thunkable

Edit: I just figured out what the issue was with the latest Thunkable update it seems that The receive message event breaks when to many request get made at the same time.
I managed to create a temporary solution thanks to this.

@pettengilld32a1wqr (pinged you so you can keep track of the progress)

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Do you know how many requests were sent?

Hii @brianl I sadly “exactly” know it, in total 4 post message requests with .3 seconds between each where made, but even when using 1 request it wouldnt work.

Somehow I pushed a fix with a workaround and now it works but I’m still confused because that is 1 request too.
I have no idea why the newer version works and the older not even with only 1 request on the older version.

@sketch Do you have the old version still or something I can use to make a simple version to replicate this?

And just so I got it right, each of the 4 post within .3 seconds, do each of them have a return? Or is it that after the 4 post, you are expecting 1 return?

Not really, I mean I need to see some of the history and code changes before I can get one to you but it may take some time, I got a busy week ahead :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yes that should each have their own return value

Hello @brianl my apologies for the late reply.
However I was working on the module to show it to you and I noticed that it suddenly works again.
I don’t know what happened but it suddenly started working again even on older recreations of the module.
I don’t know why but it works again using the same original code.