Web Viewer Invisible - Is there a solution?

Hey guys,

I know this issue has been discussed quite a bit in the past, but the most recent update I can find is over a year ago, so I’m looking for an update.

When using a web viewer component to view a .html file asset, it shows correctly on the responsive web app preview, but not on the Thunkable live preview app on my Android phone. I have not tried to download an apk file to test.

Is there a fix / workaround for this now?

Huh. I think I may have figured out what causes this.

I have to set a minimum height for the Web Viewer for it to show anything.

However, there is still a problem when I want to use a Web Viewer component on a scrollable screen.
Even if I disable scrolling in the Web Viewer, it still scrolls within the Web Viewer in some cases (Web App)…

So, it looks like the Web Viewer is not expanding to fit the length of the text correctly.

Here’s the project:
Click on ‘Day 2’ to see an example of the problem (Screen: Lesson2).

Thanks in advance!