🎨 WDC #11 Can you re-create David's X for Y Idea Generator?

OK, so I confirm this is my silliest app ever. Considering my weird choice of words for my lists: Caution: May be slightly gruesome. Also, please ensure that you are not drinking any hot beverages while you are using the app.

Here goes…
Cine-BAAH, an app to generate storylines. You can enter Hero’s name, Heroine’s name, Antagonist’s name, and setting. These can also be generated from within the app. Once you have entered everything, you receive a comical storyline which involves your hero, heroine, antagonist, and the setting you chose/generated.


Link (/projectPage/):

App Demo Story:

Here’s one of the storylines that the app generated for me with the following information:

This is a very weird app, but I just cobbled together some random words for a funny fill-in style game.