Hello everyone,
I’m in the process of setting up Verify iOS Purchases. I have two questions right now:
- In the example, a “password or key” is integrated at the top right.
Can someone please tell me what the issue is?
• Application specific password?
• Key Type: App Store Connect API?
• Key Type: In-App Purchase?
Or something else?

- Which element comes at the end?
It’s not clear to me from the instructions.
Thanks in advance!!!
Hello @serviceh9dmnu,
We spoke in Intercom but I thought it will be helpful for other users too to also provide the answer here.
The variable “amITesting” is a boolean(True or False) and is used to identify if the user is testing the app or not.
When the “amITesting” variable is True it calls the sandbox URL and when is false the iTunes URL. You can find more information on the Apple documentation here.
The “app password from Apple” variable, as it is mentioned in Apple’s docs here, is the app’s shared secret, which is a hexadecimal string. The steps to generate the shared secret to verify receipts are described here: Generate a shared secret to verify receipts - Configure in-app purchase settings - App Store Connect - Help - Apple Developer
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