Using id for crating new "tables" in realtime db

Hi, in my program i need create for every user his own “table”, when he log in, for his answers (am doing something like quiz app) i dont really get it how to do it. Can somebody help me. :smile:

These videos explain that:

These videos are not really explaing what i meant. I know how to read data or update. My data are overwritting when new user comes up.

Not sure what are you asking .

But if you want each device to have its own memory you should update data locally not in the cloud

Okay but you’re not doing it correctly. These blocks will use the same exact path every time the set cloud variable block runs:


So every user will overwrite every other user!

The videos I suggested show how to properly set up the path for different users using a userId variable. I would suggest watching them again.

I really dont know how are those videos can help me. I cant see how can i create new table like you can see on this screen. i change it and am gonna use email as ID so when the email is not matching the admins email i want to create new as user1, user2, user3… like this

there is full database so you can better understand

Set it to anything you want.