User pro level support is slowww

every time i have a question they replay to be around 12 to 1am every morning now iv been waiting 24 hours for a reply and feel like they won’t get back to me till 1am tomw
and it’s only a 1 email exchange.
Anyone else having this issue im not developing my app as im waiting for their reply to know whats right or know. but like.

Im playing $75 NZ a month and i feel 1 email every 24+ hours is unfair

@Van_antics Thanks for reaching out. We appreciate the feedback and take it seriously. We have a lot of users to support and we try to get to every one of them as quickly as possible, no matter the support channel they are using. I appreciate your patience as we work out how to best support all time zones as quickly as possible.

Being in New Zealand does make for there being little overlap between the times our support team is online and when you’re online. Ioannis (he’s in the EU) has been helping you up to this point, but if you are online most in the mornings your time, I can make sure we switch that so I am around then–along with the rest of our users in Australia and New Zealand. It’s just the middle of the afternoon for me and I will be available for several more hours.


I waited up this morning till 2am in hopes to find an email lol then hit the bed for the ZZzzZZZz’s
i understand fully and know 1 replay is due to timezones and or workload

just my time is ticking as i got 17-18 days leftd to know if my idear is going to be something thats going to work.

more google play console wants me to upload a aab. file with the “BILLING permission”
but i cant because i have the admob in and not approved yet.

due to how iv integrated admob i dont want to remove or blocks to collapse on me lol

i don’t want ads to be the primary source of gaining tokens but i cant export .aab with BILLING til it gets approved now ( i can remove admob if needs to beeee )

but thats my question (i did not want to have dead links or in active buttons
and i feel my app got admob refused because ads were the only way of getting tokens
and a in-active button … thats all fixed now and resubmitted something more than 24 hours ago and added dead links to what will become purchasable items

We do generally, because we want to maintain a good relationship with Google and allow support for AdMob to continue, need apps to be in their most complete state possible to approve them. As long as you are close with that, we should be able to approve your app.

i have until 1 pm today its and then back at 9 pm to make changes. its now now 10:00am i have added items in to my apps with no prob i don’t see what would be much different

don’t fully understand if you want me to remove this admob block

or fix it soon after google will let me after pending the upload
google normally approves my updates with in 30m-2 hours
maybe best if we continue this chat over in emails lol

thanks muchly for the replays

I just emailed you back. Happy to chat there. Thank you!

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