Unable to download in thunkable X

I tried to download the file to my computer in the Android version, but it didn’t work.

What’s wrong? It says “[object object]”. Can anyone help?

Where do you see that error message?

I see the message when I try to download my app in Android version, when I click “download in Android”.

I get [object Object] outputs, when I do trial and error with the orange Object components :grinning: Do you use these blocks in your app?
I have experienced this kind of output, when the java objects are nested in each other, so I combine multiple “get property of” components (Just today I used this to extract data from google map API => see the recent thread in the iOS discuss forum)

But as I did and clicked “download as Android”, there was an even more complicated error message that I couldn’t even understand.

but maybe you were able to make a Screenshot or copy the text. then you could show this to other people to get help :grinning: