Trouble Using WhisperAPI

OK - so I was pretty sure Authorization through config was working because when I get this wrong I get the error {“detail”:“Not authenticated”}. But, I was worried the Content-Type was playing a part. If I just added a ‘Set WhisperAPI Header to’ for Content-Type it seems to nullify the config API-key setting. So, I tried your way and set them both via the blocks. Sadly, that still gives me an authentication error. Here’s what I ran:

Note - I added an additional button to just run a pre-created url instead of spamming Cloudinary with new files all the time.

I also tried removing the block to add the data sub-property but that gives me the normal ‘url not set’ error.

Finally, I also tried the 2 > “2” (good shout) but again, no dice.

One thing which seems really obvious but might not be from the way I’m describing everything: The cURL from the POSTMAN which worked is completely different in terms of format from the thing I’m sending it. As in, the cURL features data encodes like this > --data-urlencode ‘diarization=false’
The JSON I’m sending it is in key:variable pairs like {“diarization”:“false”}. Is it this?