Trouble getting a POST API call to work


I have an API call that I am making to Mindee and have tested it in Postman, however when I transfer the information into Thunkable, I cannot get it to work.

Postman -

Thunkable -

I have tried this

as well as using the same blocks but with form-data instead of data and this

but get this error

2023-09-13 15 32 10 (3)

Would appreciate any assistance.

Hi, I’d like to suggest a few things -

  • As per Mindee API Docs, your authentication token needs to precede with "Token ". So if your token is abc, you’ll pass the string “Token abc” to the auth. header. So, join a string block with "Token " written in it.
  • You don’t need separate header blocks for multiple headers - click the image icon and add a block below the Content-Type header for Authorization header.
  • Add a 0.001 sec. wait block before making the call, just to smoothen the process.


Let me know if this works. Cheers, Kartik

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