There are a lot of Metronome apps on the Play Store and as I didn’t want to download one that has weird code or permissions (and I have Thunkable) I wanted to create my own.
It’s very simple, there is a button, a slider and a label.
The slider goes from 1-200 and the label shows the number as you change it, that is stored as the variable tempo
When the button is clicked it stores a value of true/false for on/ off.
The sound uploaded has been cut to a short length of 0.1 seconds and I have MP3 and OGG uploaded.
The loop plays the sound with an interval of 60 divided by the variable tempo
per second, to give the BPM.
When the slider is about 100 or higher, the audio seems to stop playing like there are too many audio components being played at once (or something)… I have tried both the MP3 and OGG audio.
How can I fix this? Is it possibly just the ‘live’ app causing issues?
Thank you.