Thunkable Deep Dive: Week 3 Voting

Hello Thunkers!

We’re starting a new weekly series called Deep Dive. The purpose of this series will be to take a component, block, or feature in Thunkable and take a closer and more practical look at it.

We’ll answer any questions you may have about the week’s Deep Dive topic. We’ll share ideas, samples, and best practices.

Even more, this will be opportunity for you to also share anything you like about the week’s Deep Dive topic. Nothing is particularly off limits but we will remove posts that are off-topic so that, in the future, you can come back to these posts as a source of good information. We’ll also add a link to them in our Docs .

Here are this week’s options. You’ll be allowed one vote. The topic with the most votes come the end of the week will be declared the winner. We’ll create a new post with the topic early next week.

  • Modules
  • Logic Modules
  • JavaScript Web Bridge (public Beta)
0 voters

All of the above?

What are Logic Modules? Are those related to the new Modules?

Is there any way to add custom HTML & CSS to create modules or are we restricted to the current set of available components?

I really want to setup a column/row table layout, but that’s proving difficult to render accurately between web, iOS and Android.

I can understand the confusion related to the naming here. Modules include UI elements and Logic modules are configured with blocks only.

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The JavaScript Web Bridge component may allow you to do some of this.

I don’t see JavaScript Web Bridge option. Has this been rolled out to everyone, or select memberships? I’m on the free membership currently.

Should be available to everyone, regardless of plan. It is in the Advanced drawer of the blocks panel.

You can put HTML/CSS inside of a webviewer component, and then put that webviewer component in a module.

If you need to communicate between the module and the webviewer, you can do that using the Webviewer extension library. We’ll have more demos of that later in the summer, but it works today.

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It’s not there :(, I even created a new project, ctrl+shift+r and it doesn’t show up as an option.

It’s not there for me either, even after a hard refresh.

Hang tight here and we’ll get it up and running for you soon. Appreciate your patience!

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@tatiang @marion.dorsett Sorry about the hiccup, could you do a hard refresh? The component should be available for everyone now.

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I can see it now :smiley:

It is now, thank you.