Thunkable Deep Dive: Week 2 Voting

Hello Thunkers!

We’re starting a new weekly series called Deep Dive. The purpose of this series will be to take a component, block, or feature in Thunkable and take a closer and more practical look at it.

We’ll answer any questions you may have about the week’s Deep Dive topic. We’ll share ideas and best practices. If applicable, we’ll even share a few Custom Components .

Even more, this will be opportunity for you to also share anything you like about the week’s Deep Dive topic. Nothing is particularly off limits but we will remove posts that are off-topic so that, in the future, you can come back to these posts as a source of good information. We’ll also add a link to them in our Docs .

Here are this week’s options. You’ll be allowed one vote. The topic with the most votes come the end of the week will be declared the winner. We’ll create a new post with the topic early next week.

  • iOS Publishing
  • Android Publishing
  • Clone Blocks
0 voters
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I’ve been working on some forms, and being able to generate the UI based on my data would be awesome.

I’d like to be able to clone a group and it’s children components, set their X & Y values of the cloned group and it’s children’s names so that I can access them from my blocks.

I’ve been setting the component names with a static prefix like “label” and then using a numerical index to access the elements from my block loops and joining the values to create my component names: “label1”,“label2” and etc.

If I could clone a group, update the names and manipulate the properties of those cloned components like their names, x & y coords… I wouldn’t have to refactor the whole UI if I need to make a change to one of the 90 components.

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