Thunkable Classic - Sign in issue

Kindly help me, as I am trying to use the Thunkable Classic and it isn’t showing the main page.


Thunkable Classic has shut down! The new platform is Thunkable X.


Hey @sanghanirishit10n525 , welcome to the community!

We stopped accepting new members to the Classic platform in November of 2019

What sort of app you trying to build?


It’s possibile to have all my aia Project? Becouse in Italy I get inside the site 1 mouth aho :cry::cry:

Not sure what you mean here. Did you have old files in classic? It’s been shut down over a year now, do you remember the names of the projects? Perhaps we can help you rebuild old projects in Thunkable X?

Yes, I remember all my project. I need the project with the nane Rubrica_Eav.aia

Hello, I’ve recently been searching for my old .aia files on the hard disk, but I wasn’t able to find them. Probably I lost them during a format. So, I was trying to login into my account on classic Thunkable to retrieve them, but it’s showing a problem with OAuth 2.0. Is there any way to download those old .aia files, since I’m not able to sign in anymore? Thanks since now!

I need my the project with the name WVBora.aia (2021) (Thunkable Classic) How can I get? Please

I need my the project with the name WVBora.aia (2021) (Thunkable Classic) How can I get? Please. I can’t log into my account right now

Please stop spamming, one post is enough.

It’s very unlikely you will get the aia as Thunkable Classic shut down years ago.

Hey. Sorry, these are not available anymore. What kind of app are you trying to build?

Galera, tenho 2 perguntas: 1 tenho um app q tem mais de 20k de download na playsotre, ele contem anuncio, fui editar ele mas ele nao aparece na versao “X”, tem como acessar a versão classica e mexer nele? nao tem problema nao ter suporte para API 28 (sei la) ele ja funciona em outras versoes e ta otimo assim, quero editar ele

outra coisa, quero fazer um novo app na versão antiga. tem recusros simples da versao antiga q nao acho na nova versao, tais como “grade” onde eu colocava varias label e colocava visivel ou invisivel essa grade para q todos ficassem tb, outro recurso é o alinhamento de botao e label… aff eu tenho alinha um por um agora.

s alguem souber m ajudem por favor

If you post in English you may stand a better chance of getting help.

Guys, I have 2 questions: 1 I have an app that has more than 20k downloads on playotre, it contains an advertisement, I went to edit it but it doesn’t appear in the “X” version, can you access the classic version and move it? it’s okay not to have support for API 28 (I don’t know) it already works in other versions and it’s great, I want to edit it

another thing, i want to make a new app in the old version. there are simple features of the old version that I don’t find in the new version, such as “grid” where I go to several labels and put this grid visible or invisible so that everyone can see it too, another feature is highlighted by the button and label… aff I put it in line one by one now.

is anyone please help please

tks, now i do

Thunkable Classic was closed 3 years ago if I remember correctly. All the projects from it have been deleted so no one can retrieve them now, including the developers. And as it’s closed you cannot create new projects with it.

Either use Thunkable X to rebuild your apps, and pay if you want to publish them for Android and iOS, or use another builder.

Incidentally, what app do you have on the Play Store? Can you please post a link to it?

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What version are you referring to when you say “Classic” @diogoff77pe? In the Community, Thunkable Classic refers to our first platform which was Android-only, and as Dean points out, has been closed for a number of years now.

What sort of new app do you want to make?

This is relatively easy to do with either groups or layouts, depending on your design requirements.

Can you explain a little more what you mean by this please?

I would echo this - please share a link to your app here too, thanks!