Thunkable Classic ( and Android 8 / API 26 / SDK 26

Thank you so much Wei!

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We just did a new release and it has a new method in the OneSignal component to access the User ID. Please try it out and let us know your feedback! The latest companion app version is v3.52.



WOW, It’s perfect, works like magic

before app open

after app opened and user signed in, update new player id to firebase , so server can push notification to the specific device.

Thank you so much , I’ve been waiting for years. :smile:


onesignal is not working in the background for me

Help me

my android phone has version 4.1
and my thunakble apps is not installed becuse my mobile phone under 15 api level,

hi my name is Babar
my android phone is not accept and not open and thunkable apps who i creates.becuase my mobile api level 15 so please give me solution

Upgrade android or your phone.

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Could you give me an example of how to assemble the blocks to get the player id? how would I do it on the client app and the push notifications admin app? thank you

Podrias explicarme esto?

The push notification on thunkabe/one signal send message to all user, but I want to send message to one user. Getting id user.