I’d like to give a huge THANK YOU to Thunkable for this wonderful new update of Drag and Drop UI. This is the thing I’ve been waiting for ever since I started using Thunkable almost 1 year ago. This is a really great improvement and will save me the hassle of endless columns and row. Also, I can align UI without having to change a whole lot of properties. @domhnallohanlon @jane @albert @arun @Mark thank you so much again, for all the constant improvements, that make Thunking so much easier, including the Invisible components in block editor feature. Thanks once again! In the drag and drop UI, there’s also this cool new feature of adjusting the size with the adjusters surrounding the component. This is also an amazing improvement.
Also, has anybody seen that they have cut out cloudinary, added back camera, and so much more which a absolutely cool thing?
This is the updated ‘speech drawer’:
Updated sound drawer:
Updated share drawer:
Updated camera drawer:
Updated Sign in drawer:
and so much more.
Just one question: what are these buttons in the new D&D UI?

I don’t know what they are, and there’s no hint if I hover over them. I’d like to know what magic these work.