Textbox items auto dissappear after a few mints

Hi, i have made a fuel calculator app of sorts. There are some text boxes where i have to enter certain values and then calculate them. Now the issue i am having is that these textbox clears up, on its own after a few mints. And i have to re enter the values all over again everytime it clears up. How do i stop this from happening so the values say on it until i clear them myself. I have made a reset button to clear it myself when i need to.

Post a link to your project and someone might be able to determine why this is happening. It’s likely due to the way you have your blocks set up. Are you saying that when you stay on a single screen for several minutes, the text boxes clear their content, even though you haven’t left the app or changed screens during that time?

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The same problems exist. How can it be solved?

I just replied on that thread.