Text input multiline

I want my text input to be multiline, but when I enable it, it uses the return key to add a line, so since the return key adds a new line instead of dismissing the keyboard from the screen, there is no button or way to dismiss the keyboard from the screen and it stays there. Can anybody please tell me if there is a way to have a multiline text input while still having a way to dismiss the keyboard? :slight_smile:


Use Dismiss Keyboard block

When you want multi-line text you will need to add a button in the screen so that when you click on it the keyboard is dismissed.


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I have another question which might be fairly obvious but I still cannot find the answer for it.

How can I submit a multiline text input because when I press enter on my keyboard it just creates another line.

@airrr, welcome to Thunkable community,
You can’t submit the multiline text input, for going out of the text input while typing, you have to press anywhere on the screen, but there is no option for submitting it.


I see. Thanks for the quick reply.