Testing assistant component

Is this an error? I have it in my project and it has previously let me test the assistant component on live and when i download to ios

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It is saying that that those two components will only work if you do a preview or do a live test on a personal android device. It won’t work on ios or computer.

It works on mine tho so I don’t know why it’s there unless it’s for a future update or something

How are you testing? Thunkable Live on iOS?

I think, perhaps, neither the assistant nor push notifications work on web?

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From my experience with push notification it works with Android APK download and in one or two cases worked for me with Thunkable Live on Android.

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Yes, I’ve downloaded to iOS and used Thunkable Live on iOS and the Assistant component works. I think it should say “The Push Notification component can only be previewed on Android devices and neither the Push Notification or Assistant work on web preview” or something like that

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