Hey Thunkers, today I want to introduce Templates!
All these templates are free to use! You use them anywhere you want, although I would love to get “Thank you!”
These templates are based on Android Studio templates.
You may ask “What is templates?”. Well, simply, templates are startup projects, meaning that you can, build upon them, change, modify and do whether you want with them.
Also, some of you, would say “Why?”. My answer is simple too! Because, templates would help you to do the job easier, allowing you to work on different things.
How? Why do you even ask that? Simply, just import following templates as projects to your Thunkable and start building app of tomorrow! To import a project, click following menu item:

A master/detail flow is an interface design concept whereby a list of items (referred to as the master list) is displayed to the user. On selecting an item from the list, additional information relating to that item is then presented to the user within a details panel.
I CANNOT UPLOAD "Google AdMob Ads Activity"
Note, that you can use AdMob Banner component only in http://beta.thunkable.com/
In every single project there is an arrangement called “Frame”. You should put your own components inside it!
Notice: I worked on every single template very hard. Don’t think that for example “Empty Activity” is just 1 minute job!
Empty Activity
Empty Activity brings you ActionBar, but without “MORE” menu!
This activity hides your current Title Bar and replaces with another one, which is inside a WebViewer!
EmptyActivity.aia (2.0 KB)
Blank Activity
Blank Activity brings you FloatingActionButton & Snackbar!
This activity brings a FloatingActionButton in bottom-right corner with on click listener. When user clicks button, Snackbar pops up! Thanks to @pavi2410, @Sander0542, @Andres_Cotes for extensions.
BlankActivity.aia (28.4 KB)
Fullscreen Activity
Fullscreen Activity brings you ActionBar, but without “MORE” menu! Plus, it hides System UI (Status bar, Navigation bar)!
This activity hides your current Title Bar and replaces with another one, which is inside a WebViewer. Also, it hides your System UI (Status Bar, Navigation Bar)! Thanks to @Taifun for extension!
FullscreenActivity.aia (18.6 KB)
Google AdMob Ads Activity
Google AdMob Ads Activity brings you AdMob Banner ad!
This activity adds AdMob banner component to your screen and brings a timer for loading ads! Read FAQ for more information.

GoogleAdMobAdsActivity.aia (1.6 KB)
Google Maps Activity
Google Maps Activity brings you hidden ActionBar & Google Map!
This activity gives you a freedom to geographical stuff with Google Map & it hides your ActionBar!
GoogleMapsActivity.aia (1.5 KB)
Login Activity
Login Activity brings you login screen user interface!
This activity brings you a simple login template, making job easier!
LoginActivity.aia (1.3 KB)
Master/Detail Flow
Master/Detail Flow brings you master list & detail arrangements!
This activity helps you to make Master list and Detail arrangements easier, but this template can be only in landscape mode. If you don’t know what Master/Detail flow means check out FAQ.
MasterDetailFlow.aia (2.3 KB)
Navigation Drawer Activity
Navigation Drawer Activity brings you FloatingActionButton, Snackbar, Side Drawer & custom ActionBar!
Best of all, we also introduce Navigation Drawer Activity! This activity has a side drawer, FloatingActionButton, which on click brings you a Snackbar & also custom ActionBar which has a menu button! Thanks to @pavi2410, @Sander0542, @Andres_Cotes for extensions & thanks to @Mika for side drawer which I have modified.
NavigationDrawerActivity.aia (31.8 KB)
Scrolling Activity
Scrolling Activity brings you FloatingActionButton, Snackbar & scrolling animation!
This activity gives you a header with FloatingActionButton sticked to it, which on click shows a Snackbar. Also, you can swipe up or down through screen to toggle status of Header, FloatingActionButton & Title! Thanks to @pavi2410, @Sander0542, @Andres_Cotes, @Mika.
ScrollingActivity.aia (46.8 KB)
Settings Activity
Settings Activity brings you settings screen user interface!
Settings activity gives you a simple settings template, but best of all, this extension features Flipswitches! Thanks to @Helios for extension.
SettingsActivity.aia (60.3 KB)
Tabbed Activity
Tabbed Activity brings you tabs!
This activity bring tabs to Thunkable! You can even navigate through easily! Tabbed activity template has enough stuff for doing amazing user experience.
TabbedActivity.aia (2.8 KB)
If you used any of these templates, please post your project down below or just tag me!
Regards, @ILoveThunkable, Happy Thunking!