Targeting Old Version of Android (after many new releases)

From August i have this message in my Play Console inbox, i know that Thunkable is very attentive on these kinds of things but i have sent many releases (accepted) to the same app but still i have this message in the inbox

We’ve detected that your app is targeting an old version of Android. To provide users with a safe and secure experience, Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements.

From 31 August 2023, if your target API level is not within one year of the latest Android release, you won’t be able to update your app.

To continue making updates to your app, ensure your app targets Android 13 (API level 33).

I know somebody else had this problem and maybe their problem got solved just publishing a new release, but it didnt work for me

Thank you for your help!

Hi @maurizio.polverini89, thank you for flagging this. Any app published now with Thunkable will target Android 13 (API level 33) by default. Is this message in your inbox or is it shown in the Production tab for your app in the Google Play console?

It’s shown in the product TAB.

I updated the app many times in the last weeks but it still shows this messags

and, if i click further…

Hi @conroy
I am facing the same issue as above in all my apps
App not available to new users on Android versions higher than your target API level

@mindchamp And you have published an updated version of this app?

I did many times, but still shows this message

Thank you for your help

I’ll need to check into this further then @maurizio.polverini89. I do apologize for the inconvenience. With how the packages are updated, it should be impossible to send a new build to the Play Store now with a Thunkable app that does not target Android 13, let alone Android 12.

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