Tablet Size Preview

Is there a Tablet Size for the Preview Screen in the Designer? In understand this exists in the Classic version.

In the live test the elemets are positioned correctly, however is not easy to validate this in the designer view, specially for screens with multiple elements. They all seem cramped together in the designer view, but in the Live Test they positioning is just fine.

Hi @Javier_Aquique, :wave:

Welcome to the Thunkable community! There’s actually no “tablet size” in Classic, but it does offer landscape mode (which is where the preview is rotated 90 degrees)

Since there are so many different screen sizes and resolutions we recommend that you test on a device to see what your final app will look like.

Are there any elements in particular that you find it difficult to work with in the designer view? We’re always interested in feedback that helps create a better experience for our users.


Let me put it this way, I have a 3 x 4 table, yet in the designer view I can’t see past the second row, so I have to guide myself through the left design panel. It works, but would be easier If I couuld picture the real behavior in the designer view.

Once I try the Live Test in my device, the behavior is as spected.

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Thanks for your feedback @Javier_Aquique. We’re working on improving the design experience at the moment and have a number of changes planned for the coming weeks and months. Keep an eye on the #Announcements section for news of these releases.