SwiftNews - A news app

Ah, ok. Sorry for the confusion :slight_smile:

Open the settings screen in the designer mode of Thunkable then find the list picker object and edit the value that has the sources to contain the sources you want :slight_smile: You can find the sources here

It was very good !!!

Would you be able to adapt it to use with Blogger? I have long wanted to create one with this appearance instead of a simple web view. Would you give a force?

The bloggerā€™s api code is a bit different

GET https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/2399953/posts?key=YOUR-API-KEY

ā€œkindā€: ā€œblogger#postListā€,
ā€œnextPageTokenā€: ā€œCgkIChiAkceVjiYQ0b2SAQā€,
ā€œprevPageTokenā€: ā€œCgkIChDBwrK3mCYQ0b2SAQā€,
ā€œitemsā€: [
ā€œkindā€: ā€œblogger#postā€,
ā€œidā€: ā€œ7706273476706534553ā€,
ā€œblogā€: {
ā€œidā€: ā€œ2399953ā€
ā€œpublishedā€: ā€œ2011-08-01T19:58:00.000Zā€,
ā€œupdatedā€: ā€œ2011-08-01T19:58:51.947Zā€,
ā€œurlā€: ā€œhttp://buzz.blogger.com/2011/08/latest-updates-august-1st.htmlā€,
ā€œselfLinkā€: ā€œhttps://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/2399953/posts/7706273476706534553ā€,
ā€œtitleā€: ā€œLatest updates, August 1stā€,
ā€œcontentā€: ā€œelided for readabilityā€,
ā€œauthorā€: {
ā€œidā€: ā€œ401465483996ā€,
ā€œdisplayNameā€: ā€œBrett Wiltshireā€,
ā€œurlā€: ā€œhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01430672582309320414ā€,
ā€œimageā€: {
ā€œurlā€: ā€œhttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/_YA50adQ-7vQ/S1gfR_6ufpI/AAAAAAAAAAk/1ErJGgRWZDg/S45/brett.pngā€
ā€œrepliesā€: {
ā€œtotalItemsā€: ā€œ0ā€,
ā€œselfLinkā€: ā€œhttps://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/2399953/posts/7706273476706534553/commentsā€
ā€œkindā€: ā€œblogger#postā€,
ā€œidā€: ā€œ6069922188027612413ā€,
elided for readability

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If what you mean by ā€œgive a forceā€ is to attempt to make the app then yes. I would be more-than-happy to make an app like that. Although I have never used Blogger I am sure you will find a use for the app :slight_smile:

link api blogger https://developers.google.com/blogger/docs/3.0/using#WorkingWithPosts

I tried to put the bloggerā€™s apis, but I can not, they are different.

Iā€™m new to Thunkable, Iā€™m trying to understand its structure, but I still do not get it ā€¦ rsrs

If you could do what you did with blogger posts would be very good. Currently I have an app with a blogger webview, but it is not as pretty as yours.

I think it would not be too difficult to fit the bloggerā€™s apis framework into your app. If it worked out the rest of the design and etc I would do it myself.

Sorry for the errors, Iā€™m Brazilian, and Iā€™m using google translator :sweat_smile:

If you would like JSON works in Thunkable even more than you do you should check out this post I made a while ago An easy way to decode JSON I will make the Blogger thing I just have to go for a bit. It is a simple post easy to read.

Iā€™m still breaking my head here, :sweat: Iā€™m new to thunkable, but Iā€™m trying here, but if you can, please post here to help, Iā€™ll be grateful. A hug partner. :+1:

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Hello Hitesh , I need some help :slight_smile:
Are u on telegram ?

Hello,I need help about news appā€¦
Are you available on Telegram ?

whatsapp only 8744958220

This is an amazing news app ā€¦ I have a news blog Can I Use my rss feed to make app like this ?
In this app the article is opening in phone browser ,But I want to article to open in the app in native way
Please suggest How can I do this ā€¦

there is an option for that in screens setting

Hi can i use the above given aia profeasinally or say commercially

Likely spam so Iā€™m closing this topic. If itā€™s not spam, send me a private message @oleo4471jh.