Advanced News App in PHP, MySQL

Hello Friends,

I created this application project on Thunkable for Publication of News. It is similar to an app project which someone else was sharing on this Topic wall.

I am novice and learning and this app that I have made is also simple, so that anyone can learn from it.

Please visit the screenshots and give your comments.

This is the Splash Screen.

This is the home screen which shows a list of latest news.

On Clicking on the news button, the news is shown.

This is the list of categories.

On Selecting a category the news of that category are shown.

On clicking the admin button a new screen opens where you can add new category and news.

After addition is successful message is flashed.

I have added a small video for the actual screening of the app on Thunkable live and so it is a bit slow, I hope with the standalone APK the app will be faster and work well.

YouTube video link

I have used JSON Tools and COLINS TREELIST VIEW Tools in this application development and so I am thankful to the developpers.


Could you make the .aia file available?

I would like to know how you did this. .aia? OR. Is there a tutorial online on this. I know much more about MySQL than Google Firebase which is confusing because there isn’t a good tutorial on it.

this might help App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: MySQL | Pura Vida Apps
also you might want to do a Google search for MySQL tutorial